
Friday, April 17, 2009

Easy Salmon Patties

I first made salmon patties a while back, long before I ever even thought about blogging. I made them because before we started cooking religiously, Gary would buy canned salmon and eat it right out of the can. I tried it, and it was enough to make me gag. I don’t know how he can eat it like that. When he insists he wants to eat that, I insist I make something from it instead of eating it plain.

I first came across this recipe a couple of years ago. I made it as stated in the recipe, except I used bread crumbs instead of the slice of bread.

This time, I didn’t follow the recipe exactly. I didn’t have anymore eggs(!), I used panko, and I also didn’t use the flour to bind it. I decided not to use the salt and pepper either, because I didn’t think it needed anymore salt.

salmon patties

Easy Salmon Patties
Loosely adapted from:

1 (14.75 oz) can salmon, drained and flaked
1 small onion, diced
1 egg, lightly beaten (I didn’t use because I was out)
1/2 cup panko
cooking oil
s&p to taste (I didn’t use)

1. Heat a pan on high heat.

2. Combine drained salmon, onion, panko, and egg. Mix well to combine. Separate into 4 sections. Shape and mold into patties.

3. Add a thin layer of oil to the pan. Place patties in oil, cook for about 4-5 min on each side. Drain on paper towels and serve.

I didn’t have anymore eggs on hand, so I omitted and packed the patties tightly. I only flipped them once, so it didn’t fall apart. We ate this with mixed veggies and rice.

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